RIP Timone

This week has been a week of highs and lows.

Highs –

  • Ed came back from Fall Retreat on Sunday and shared about how great of a weekend it was!  The music (which he helped to lead) went well (this was a prayer as they were combining musicians from several different schools who never played together), the speaker was amazing, real, and honest as he shared from God’s Word, and students were really impacted by the Lord and what He taught them.  Two girls even accepted Christ (one from Wake Tech and one from UNC Pembroke)!!  The students not only caught a vision for what the Lord wants to do on their campus, but they are excited to go to Winter Conference in December and bring more students with them.  Over all, it was a highlight of the semester so far!
  • Had a good doctors appointment on Thursday.  While little girl has not made her appearance yet and there wasn’t a lot of change from the last time they checked me, the doctor was encouraged and said it could happen at any time based on some things.  So the waiting continues….  I am anxious to meet her but content with waiting because I know she will be here very soon and I want to go into labor when the Lord wants it to happen, not when I want to make it happen.  I am not opposed to having them induce me, but would like for that not to have to happen if at all possible (you can pray for that!).
  • In an effort to try and “walk” this baby out, we went to the state fair last night.  We are supposed to go with our team next Thursday but we wanted to make sure Kinsley had a chance to go just in case little girl makes an early appearance, and with our team, they are “big kid” who don’t want to hang out at the “little kids” rides, so by going last night, she had a chance to ride all of the rides made for little people her size.  Although she isn’t quite tall enough to ride most rides on her own (believe me, she would if they let her!), she had a blast!!  We also got to eat lots of good (but bad for you) food, watch the racing pigs, see a pumpkin that weighs our size, and pet the animals.  I think I secretly love the state fair more than Kinsley does!!  The first picture shows her riding the train by herself and giving us thumbs up (thanks Elaina for teaching her that….not only is it cute but she says your name each time she does it :)…she remembers you even though you are in West Africa!).  The second picture shows her petting the cute goats.

Lows –

  • Even though there is really only one low this week, it is a big one.  Our sweet, laid-back, old man of a dog Timone passed away.  Even though he was only 12, he had a lot of issues from gum disease to liver problems to a heart murmur to arthritis.  We knew that he was slowly going down hill, and then last weekend, he started taking a turn for a worse not being able to control his bowels at all, hardly being able to move around, losing weight, and then eventually not eating or drinking.  The last time we remember him having anything to eat or drink was Sunday and when we finally took him to the vet Thursday, he only weighed 6 lbs (had lost half his body weight).  Needless to say, his body was shutting down, he was limp and didn’t have strength to walk or hardly pick his head up, and he had even developed an ulcer in his eye from staring into space.  Although he may have survived a few more days, when Ed took him to the vet on Thursday, we knew it was time to let him go and made the decision to put him down.

While it was and still is sad for us, we were more worried about how Kinsley would     take it since she freaks out when he is gone for half a day getting his hair trimmed.  But she has taken the news like a champ, and although she asks about him every day, she talks about him being in heaven with Jesus, and how she wants to run and jump with him there.  It has been neat to learn through her about having “faith like a child” as she has no problem believing and hoping we will see him again because he is in heaven.

Thanks for all the sweet messages and calls offering your condolences….it has meant a lot to us that you feel our loss.


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