Oh, Yes He Did!

Last week, my husband asked me what we were doing next weekend (meaning not the coming weekend but the next).  When I responded that we had a cookout dinner with Campbell students (that a couple from our church so graciously hosted!) on Friday night and a birthday party the girls were planning on going to on Saturday, he sighed.  Why you may ask?  Because he had something up his sleeve.  Oh, yes he did.

He proceeded to tell me that he was sweeping me away for the weekend to a surprise location and while he didn’t even want to tell me that much, we had to decide when we were going to do it and who was to watch the kids.  So, we made plans for his parents to come in and watch the girls and for us to leave for the surprise location after the Campbell dinner.  He tried really hard to keep it a secret and for the most part, he did (which is a big deal since I usually like to try hard to figure things out).  I did manage to figure out we were going towards the coast and away from the mountains when we were talking about childcare arrangements.

I am sure that Ed did plan surprise trips and outings like this before we had kids, but in the whole time we have had kids (4.5 years), this is a first.  Needless to say, I was very excited and proud of my man for planning something like this and keeping it a surprise from me.  So where did we go?

When I was entering the address in the GPS Friday night, I found out that we were traveling to Beaufort, NC (spoken like Bo-fur-t which is so weird to me because Beaufort, SC is spelled the same way and pronounced Bu-fur-t) and that a church family that we love and adore had graciously opened their place for us to use for the weekend.  It is a quaint and historic town on the river but about 15 minutes from the beach.  Needless to say, the views are amazing, the locals are so friendly, the food is delish, and it all reminded me of the town I grew up in.  Did I say the food was delish (the pregnant side of me would keep talking about the food)?

We slept in, had a late brunch at a fun breakfast location seated right on the river, we toured the Maritime museum and learned all about how Blackbeard had wrecked the Queen Anne’s Revenge there, we shopped in all the quaint shops, we watched movies during the day (all you parents of littles out there know how big of a deal and how much of a treat this is), we spent lots of time reading fun books, spent lots of time with the Lord (I am reading through the Psalms and reading this great devotional on it so this was a real treat to dive into it), went to the beach, and just relaxed.  I felt real lazy and honestly, it felt real good!  Very heavenly.  It was also great to just reconnect with Ed before this little boy makes his appearance.  All in all, it was a great weekend and I am so thankful that the Lord provided that haven for us to use and a husband who took the initiative to plan it.  Here are a few pictures from our trip (can you believe we didn’t even take one picture of just us?):


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