Before we moved to NC, we lived in Lexington, KY. Lexington is a beautiful place and would make my list of the top 10 most beautiful places in the country. Horse farms make the scenery beautiful and one of the things that I loved the most was that we got all 4 seasons – including lots of snow in the winter. Every winter, I get jealous and miss Kentucky even more when I see pictures of friends who are getting snow. This year was no exception.
Well, the Lord decided to help that a little by sending us some white stuff all our own. First, we had ice which caused schools to be closed for an entire week and Kinsley to miss two days of preschool because they closed. Then, this morning, we woke up to snow falling like crazy. Needless to say, Kinsley missed school again today. We are expected to get 2-3 inches and even as I type, it is still falling. So beautiful! I love that the snow reminds me of how God, through Christ’s sacrifice, washes us white as snow and views us as perfect, holy, and complete because of Christ. Thank you God for such a visual reminder!
Here are a few pictures of the girls enjoying the ice and snow – and I will let you make a guess as to who wanted to stay out in it all day long and who wanted to come in after 10 minutes.
Speaking of freezing and the cold, this crazy man (aka my husband) decided to join his swim team to participate in something called the Polar Bear Plunge hosted at our gym. It was actually quite comical to watch everyone’s faces when they hit the water and tried frantically to get back out of the pool (and then run to the indoor pool to soak in the warmth). Our girls started crying because they wanted to participate and we hadn’t brought their swimsuits – we promised them when they could really swim, they could do it.
We traveled to Georgetown, SC (my hometown) this past weekend to see my family, let them meet Blake, celebrate my birthday, and to visit two churches that partner with us in ministry. I loved seeing Blake be held by those who have prayed so hard for him through all the roller coaster happenings of the pregnancy and his short life.
Whenever we visit churches that partner with us in ministry, we know the Lord uses our words to show and bless them with how He is moving on college campuses, but we almost always end up being blessed by them. This weekend was no exception. The Lord used a little church that we adore and that has become like family to us to bless me and speak to me very, very clearly about something that I had felt the Lord being silent on for a long time. Though the weekend was super, super busy, I left feeling very refreshed and feeling like the Lord really does see and is aware of what is happening, even when we don’t think so.
Little man dressed up for church and I loved catching a picture of him smiling. He has been smiling for a while now, but I haven’t been able to capture it yet. I seriously can’t handle all the cuteness! And on top of that, he decided to start doing 5-6 hour stretches at night, which this momma is very, very happy about!
And, it’s still snowing! 12 hours later.