Emotions – yep, you know them. Up one minute and down the next. Life is good, then life is hard, then life is fun, then life is rough. Don’t make me pretend like I am the only one who fights to keep my emotions on an even plane.
But today, I was reading in James 1:17 “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” This is written after James says that God does not tempt us, but we are tempted by our evil desires that drag us away and entice us. I had an ah-ha moment! After meditating on seasons of my life, things that have happened to me, etc. I see that some of those “bad” things were actually really good and perfect gifts. Yes, I have seen before how the Lord has used those things to bring me where I am today. But my ah-ha moment came when I realized that out of God’s astounding grace, a very imperfect person can still receive a delightfully perfect gift precisely because it’s perfect for her. God’s gifts are given with goals. They’re perfect because they’re perfecting, not because they seem perfect to my overly emotional self. They don’t just give today. They give toward every tomorrow. So thankful today for all the “bad” and good things I have been blessed with. Such a fun revelation!!
In other news, let me share some of the highlight of our week:
My girls. I love them to pieces. Kinsley still struggles with being gentle with Emerson (we have to remember she is only 2) but overall, she loves her sister and loves taking care of her. We need to start recording all the funny things Kinsley says these days – she is constantly cracking us up.
View from the front of our house this week. There were 4 deer…can you spot them all?? I love this about our house and this time of year…we have seen deer every few days or so and it makes looking out the windows so fun!
We have had lots of fun play dates this week with our friends. I LOVE the fellowship the Lord has blessed us with here. He has provided women and men of all walks of life for us to learn from and live life with. And lots of fun friends for Kinsley and Emerson.
And, of course, as you know, it was super bowl Sunday. We had a party at our house with Cru friends. I got too caught up with having fun to take pictures…sorry. I will say though, with our kids growing older and understanding more and more, we have started having to take a good look at what we are watching and allowing their little eyes to see. Its not good for ours either, so maybe its a good thing all the way around. Either way, while the Super Bowl is entertaining, the commercials and half-time show get worse every year. This is a blog that I read here that paints a really good picture of what I am talking about. Definitely gives us something to think and pray about for next year.
Sorry this blog post was full of so many random things. I had fun pictures and thoughts I wanted to post and couldn’t figure out a creative way to tie it together. I mean – super bowl party, deer, Kinsley and Emerson, and thoughts on James – how would you link these together? Sheesh.