Last week, I posted all of these things that I was looking forward to accomplishing this week. Well, why I tried hard to make those things happen, God had other plans :).
For instance, I planned on going to Wake Tech to meet up with our faculty member who is leading things there and to meet with some students. Long story short, the one meeting I had scheduled got canceled and I wasn’t able to get things scheduled with anyone else. Like I said, the Lord had other plans, and it looks like the meetings may happen this coming week. I also planned on doing this fun activity with Kinsley fishing for magnetic letters (which I envision being lots of fun) but then discovered WalMart was out of magnetic strips which I needed to attach to the fishing pole. I didn’t feel like driving around the world for these and because of a great deal I got online at JoAnn’s, I ordered them and they should arrive this week. I did review a leader’s application, but it didn’t go AT ALL like I thought it would, and I actually finished reviewing the application having more questions and hesitations that I did to begin with.
But, with all of that being said, it was my birthday week and I had a great time celebrating with family and friends. My birthday evening, Kinsley and I went with my good friend Kai to eat at Olive Garden. I like love their unlimited soup and salad and I think that if my stomach didn’t tell me to stop, I would never stop eating the chicken gnocchi soup….I am drooling just thinking about it right now. I also was showered with lots of Facebook love!!
I also carved out time this week to clean the house (aren’t you just dying for me to go into detail about this??!!??), sew some potholders, and complete a reference for one of our students from Kentucky who is applying to be an intern (this took forever! but I am excited to see how the Lord has grown this lady the 3 years I have been discipling her and to see her being used to reach other students, even after graduation), attend a spin class at the Y, and scored an amazing deal on cereal (I got 10 boxes of Kellogg’s cereal for $7.50 total – which is less than a dollar a box!), and attended staff meeting with our team (this happens every week but it makes me sound more productive to mention it 🙂 ).
Here are a few pictures of the potholders I sewed. I used fabric scraps I had from other projects which made them free to make! I like the final result even though Ed is skeptical they are thick enough to be super useful. Special props to Ed for helping me with Kinsley when they took longer to complete than I thought they would. One thing I am learning is that all DIY projects take longer than I think they will, especially when it involved sewing. It inevitably happens that the sewing machine decides not to cooperate or human errors are made, which results in more time to complete things. I don’t know if I will ever learn to allot more time than I think I need.
On the agenda this coming week? Ed’s mom is coming to town for a few days while Ed’s dad is out of town on business, so we are planning on spending time with her. She is also willing to watch Kinsley one day so that I can go to campus, which I am hoping will be when I go to Wake Tech and meet with students and our faculty member. I am in charge of planning and buying meals for our spring retreat coming up in two weekends, so I need to plan that out. Some other things on my schedule: the fishing activity with Kinsley, talk to our student about her leader application, fix a meal for a friend who just had a baby, and much more!!