This weekend, we traveled to Charlotte so that Ed could do something absolutely crazy. Go boating on Lake Norman? No. Go to Ikea? No. Climb a skyscraper? No. He competed and finished the Carolina Half – which is a half-ironman triathlon. In case you are as clueless to what that means as I used to be (before I got initiated into this crazy world of athletics), it means that he did a 1.25 mile swim, a 56 mile bike ride, and a 13 mile run (same distance in run as a half-marathon). Uh yea – not only does it seem crazy to me to do a half-marathon, but then add everything else on top of that. He had a few hiccups that caused him to not quite get the time he wanted (he only missed it by thismuch) such as blowing two tubes on his bike and having to go #2 in the middle of running (he is going to kill me for writing that but I think it is so funny – what is it with men and their poop?), but he kicked tail in the swim and beyond that, he completed it and I think that is AMAZING!! He has been really sore and he said his body was shaking, but come on, what else do you expect after that? See that cute little cheerleader waiting for him at the finish line?
One of the other great things about Ed racing in Charlotte was that we got to stay with and see my older brother and his friend Tim. The girls loved seeing them and loving on their cats and dogs. We also got to eat some amazing food, Italian and Mexican, and visit their church with them. It was great catching up on each others’ lives and seeing his house and neck of the woods. The girls loved dancing at the Mexican restaurant to the live music and the food was amazing (you know it is good when you are the only non-Hispanic people in the place). Thank you for a great weekend!
Really looking forward to doing a DIY and Recipe Update on the next blog. I have done and tried lots of fun things that I can’t wait to show but it has to wait until after Mother’s Day 😉