Reading List

I mentioned in a previous post about a reading list I have for 2012.  While this may seem a bit type A, and it is, let me explain.  I LOVE reading.  While I do enjoy reading great Christian books – books that challenge me in my walk with the Lord, train me in ministry, help me to be a better parent, etc. – I found that what I had the tendency to do in the past was to read TOO many of these books.  Meaning, I would read them, feel burned out and mentally exhausted, and then stop reading altogether.  Months later, I would pick up a fun book (meaning a fiction novel, biography, organization, budgeting, etc.) and get reacquainted with just how much I love reading.  Then the cycle continued.

One day, I was reading Money Saving Mom’s website (I know, I have mentioned this site a gazillion times before, but its AWESOME).  If you know anything about Crystal (the woman who runs the site), she has a list and goals for everything.  Seriously – she has a homemaking binder that she uses to keep her home life organized with to-do lists, cleaning lists, etc.  Course, if I had 3 kids and a huge business, I might think that is needed too. While I haven’t started making lists and goals for everything, I did think it would be a good idea to make a reading list so that I could alternate Christian books and fun books so I wouldn’t get burned out.

So, I started that last year and I loved it.  When it came time to pick a new book, I just looked at the list and found one that I had been wanting to read.  When I heard of good books from others, I jot it down at the bottom so that I could remember to add it to my list for the next year.  Course, I also find that I add additions because new books come out that I can’t resist, and there have been a few dud books that I have had to put in the grave.

Without further ado, here is my list:

Christian Books:
Erasing Hell – Francis Chan
When I Lay My Isaac Down – Carol Kent
The Excellent Wife – Martha Peace
Adopted for Life
The Faithful Parent
John McArthur – Disciples book
The Grace and Truth Paradox – Randy Alcorn
The Scribe – Francine Rivers
The Prophet – Francine Rivers
The Warrior – Francine Rivers
The Prince – Francine Rivers
The Priest – Francine Rivers
The Mother At Home
Transforming Discipleship – Greg Ogden
Calm My Anxious Heart – Linda Dillow
Authenticity – Chad Young

Fun Books:
Money Saving Mom book
Save More Clip Less ebook
Freezer Cooking ebooks
Longing – Karen Kingsbury
Sense and Sensibility – Jane Austen
Stay Organized and Get Things Done
Clutter Free Home Living
Loving the Little Years
Karen Kingsbury – Unlocked
Rose Trilogy – Book 1 – Beverly Lewis
Rose Trilogy – Book 2 – Beverly Lewis
Rose Trilogy – Book 3 – Beverly Lewis
Karen Kingsbury – Between Sundays
Karen Kingsbury – Library List
Large Family Logistics – Kim Brenneman

I try to get as many of these as I can for free (from the library, on my Kindle I got for Christmas either borrowing from library or real cheap on Amazon (PS…I really absolutely love my Kindle!), from friends, etc.  So far, I have read Authentic Christianity, Unlocked, Rose Trilogy books, and I am in the process of reading The Excellent Wife and Between Sundays.

I have also started a list of projects that I want to sew (like curtains for our guest bedroom and pot holders) or make myself (like bread machine bagels and swiffer solution).  I will try to update you on how these projects go as well!

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