August Craziness

August is always a busy time for us.  We get back from the summer (usually we have traveled the whole summer), want to see our friends, get everything unpacked, get our house in order, and then AUGUST CRAZINESS begins!

What is August Craziness?  It is our RUSH (for sororities/fraternities), our tax season (for accountants), our cold season (for doctors).  Our schools all begin within a week or two of each other, typically, which means we are running for weeks straight trying to get everything ironed out and in working order.  But it is all SO good.  We love meeting the incoming freshmen, getting the chance to share the Gospel like crazy, connecting with all our student leaders/students and hearing about their summers serving the Lord, and seeing how the Lord is moving before school even begins.  Each year, there is so much excitement because we cannot even imagine the great things the Lord is going do that year.

On top of all of this, we put our house up for sale about a week ago!  We have had 4 showings so far, some really good responses, and another showing already scheduled for tomorrow.  Selling this house is so much different than selling our last house…I guess that is what happens when you add a toddler to the equation!  Please pray that the Lord brings the right buyer and sells our house quickly!!

Here is a cute photo of Kinsley in her “new” (I love yard sales!) toy.  She is obviously really happy to be home!


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